Sujatha Attanayaka
D / m4-60a / 128

ආදරේ මන්දිරේ - D (Orig Key: D)

Select New Pitch:   Ab    A    Bb    B    C    C#    D    Eb    E    F    F#    G 

|D | |G |D

aadheree mandhiree - saNdheLu thale ELi wElaa

|Fm |A |D A7 |D

jiiwithee mii pirii - pitaareye Eyi galaa



|D |G |A |D

|D |- |A |-

|G |- |D |-

|D |- |A |-

|A |A7 |D |-

|Bm |+ |Em |+

|D/A |D/A |G/A |D


|D |A |A7 |D

suweNdhe aregEne obee - suLeNge maa wEthe Ebee

|D G |Fm |A A7 |D

suhadhe obe kime pamaa - susum wzl yayi hamaa


gaNgeke bihiwene guNee - rzLiye hadhe sithuwili

nayene sanehane puraa - kohEdhe magE pEmberaa

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